Movie database
- Search for movies in the TMDB movie database in different languages
- Localized movie details and localized poster
- List of actors including character name (link to actor detail)
- Own rating of the movie and ratings of others in the app (+ private note)
- List of streaming services where you can play the movie in that country
- Links to YouTube trailers (localized and English)
- Other related, in-collection and recommended titles
- Sharing the selected movie via social networks and chat applications
- Easy find all released discs of selected movie
TV series database
- Search for TV series in the TMDB movie database in different languages
- Localized TV series details and localized poster
- List of actors including character name (link to actor detail)
- Own rating of each season separately and evaluation of others in the application
- List of streaming services where you can watch the TV series in that country
- Links to YouTube trailers (localized and English)
- Other related, in-collection and recommended titles
- Sharing the selected movie via social networks and chat applications
- Overview of individual seasons and episodes
- Display details according to the given season
- Tick off watched episodes
- Easy find all released discs of selected TV Series
Actors database
- Search for actors in the TMDB movie database
- Link to actors in movie/TV serie
- Photos
- Overview of owned discs (including character name)
- Overview of movies (including character name)
- Overview of TV series (including character name)
- Sort movies/TV series/discs with actor
Movie disc database
- Disc search by name (in different languages) and barcode
- Extensive filtering (country of release, disc type, language and subtitles)
- Sort results (title, release date, my rating, number of views)
- Details of each disc (original title, country of release, languages and subtitles on individual discs, barcode)
- Link to movie (or TV series) detail for each disc
- Disk image (if available)
- Přidejte svůj vlastní disk, pokud ještě není v databázi
- Release calendar (release dates + what's coming)
- View movie collections
Own disc collection
- Clear view of your own collection with images and detailed information
- Adding discs to your own collection
- View private information for each disc (price, price in other currency, store, date, note, labels)
- Filtering (Movie category, year of purchase, country of release, disc type, custom label)
- Sorting (Name, price, date, number of views, own rating)
- Total value of the collection
Adding discs to the collection
- Manual adding - find a disc and add private information (price, price in another currency, shop, date, note, labels)
- Manual addition - search for a movie and add detailed disc information and private information
- Quick adding with barcode and camera
Custom lists
- Creating your own lists
- Inserting movies/TV series and discs into lists
- Lists can be private or public
- Public lists can be shared by link
- Option to display the list on the main page
- The list can be displayed as a tile or a list with details
- View your friends' public lists
Discs for sale
- Creating list for sale
- Add price and status
- Share list for sale by link
- Ability to add users to friends
- View users who follow me
- View public friend lists
- Displaying friends' ratings (even on the main page)
E-shop prices
- Display prices from selected e-shops
- After clicking, you will go directly to the product in the selected e-shop
- Sorted by lowest price
- Prices in lot of currencies (CZK, EUR, ...)
- It will be displayed from 30 Mouns
- Watched statistics
- Movies / TV Series
- On my disc
- Seen in year of release
- By media (Disc, Stream, TV, Kino, ...)
- By category
- By rating
- Most watched actors
- Most watched movies
- Views per year
- My discs statistics
- Disc Types
- Movies / TV Series
- Steelbook / Mediabook / Futurepack / Digibook
- By Category
- By Release Country
- Purchased per year
- Total price of purchased discs per year
- Average disc price
- Common actors
- It will be displayed from 50 Mouns